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Call for applications: Polish EU Presidency-Workshop: “Digital competencies for Europe’s future”, 21 and 28 March 2025


From 1 January to 30 June 2025 Poland is holding the presidency of the Council of the European Union. This is an important and nationally acclaimed event. The Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw is willing to celebrate the Polish leadership by the organization of a special two-day Polish EU Presidency-Workshop: “Digital competencies for Europe’s future” in digital humanities where students will be able to extend their digital skills, as an important component of “future competencies”, and personally interact with representatives of leading educational institutions in the EU.

The workshop will take place on Fridays, 21 and 28 March, at 10.00–11.30. Students who have classes at this time will obtain a special leave from the KJD, Prof. Aneta Pieniądz.

The workshop will be held in English and will encompass the following activities:

  • a practical course of TEI XML editing of a written source: creating metadata, encoding the text, tagging geographical, prosopographical, and historical information,
  • a meeting and discussion with the representatives of the Ministries of Education of several EU countries on digital humanities and how they can be used in school teaching,
  • a “family photo” at the end of the second day.

The workshop will be especially useful for those interested in promoting digital humanities in high schools, and will also teach participants how to represent their institution at an international level.

Desired entry skills: Knowledge of English at B2 level or higher is necessary. Basic experience of different variants of the TEI XML standard is welcome, though not needed. During the first meeting, all the participants will get a basic introduction to the EVT2 – an open source tool specifically designed to create digital editions from XML-encoded texts. For an example of the software’s capacities, see the Archiwum Filomatów project.

Certificate and other benefits: All the participants will get an official certificate of participation in the workshop, documenting newly developed skills. Tea and coffee will also be provided during the second day.

Application procedure: We kindly ask all the interested students to fill in the application form under this link. Please, specify your student status and briefly describe (no more than 200 words) why you would like to participate in the workshop. Due to a limited number of workstations, your applications will be assessed by a committee of faculty members, and some applications can be rejected.

Registration deadline: Sunday, 2 March 2025, 23:59. Announcement of results: Friday, 7 March 2025.

Organizers: Hanna Rajfura, PhD; Iga Bąska, MA; Paweł Nowakowski, PhD.

For more information, please contact hanna.rajfura[at]uw.edu.pl