Digital Thursdays
In order to broaden the knowledge of digital tools successfully used in the humanities, the Laboratory organises a series of meetings entitled ‘Digital Thursdays’. The speakers are researchers who have carried out or are carrying out their own digital humanities projects on various types of sources from different eras. During Digital Thursdays, you can hear about the opportunities that digital technologies open up for humanities research, discuss their application using specific examples and learn about tools that can be used in your own research work.
May 23, 2024 [in Polish]
Krzysztof Nowak, PhD (Department of Medieval Latin, Institute of Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Czytając konkordancję. O pożytkach z korpusów na przykładzie projektu eFontes
‘Reading concordance. On the benefits of corpora on the example of the eFontes project’
March 21, 2024 [in Polish]
Paulina Komar, PhD (Faculty of History, University of Warsaw)
Statystyka dla historyka, czyli wszystko, co chcielibyście wiedzieć o metodach statystycznych, ale boicie się zapytać
‘Statistics for the historian, or everything you would like to know about statistical methods but are afraid to ask’
February 29, 2024 [in Polish]
Joachim Popek, PhD (University of Rzeszów)
Przestrzeń historyczna w świecie cyfrowym. Historyczny GIS – od digitalizacji do analizy nowych układów
‘Historic space in a digital world. Historical GIS – from digitisation to analysis of new arrangements’
December 14, 2023 [in Polish]
Marta M. Kacprzak, PhD (19th Century Publications Department, University of Warsaw Library)
Maria Fronczak (IT Services Department, University of Warsaw Library)
Łukasz Ratajczak (Manuscripts Department, University of Warsaw Library)
Konopnicka odkryta na nowo, czyli jak stare zamienić w nowoczesne. Projekt Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie – Konopnicka na Dobrej
‘Konopnicka rediscovered, or how to turn the old into the modern. Warsaw University Library project – Konopnicka on the Dobra Street’
November 16, 2023 [in Polish]
Prof. Piotr Guzowski (University of Białystok)
Radosław Poniat, PhD (University of Białystok)
Historia statystyką pisana. Budowa i analiza baz danych do badań nad historycznymi populacjami
‘History written with statistics. Construction and analysis of databases for the study of historical populations’
October 19, 2023 [in Polish]
Jakub Kuna, PhD (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin)
Tysiąc historii na jednej mapie – HGIS Lublin, geoportal inny niż wszystkie
‘A thousand stories on one map – HGIS Lublin, a geoportal unlike any other’