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Aleksandra Kuligowska, PhD – head

Graduate in history from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Assistant Professor at the Department of Auxiliary Sciences of History, Sources and Methodology, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw. She deals with methodology and auxiliary sciences of 19th- and 20th-century history. She conducts research related to the first methodological revolution in Polish academic discourse on the past.

Faculty website
ORCID: 0000-0001-9077-3207
E-mail: a.kuligowska6[at]uw.edu.pl



Hanna Rajfura, PhD – head

Graduate in history and classical philology from the University of Warsaw. Assistant Professor at the Department of History Auxiliary Sciences, Sources and Methodology, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw. She conducts research on culture in late medieval Poland. She is interested in sources studies and editing of historical sources in traditional and digital form.

Faculty website
ORCID: 0000-0003-2987-8805
E-mail: hanna.rajfura[at]uw.edu.pl



Iga Bąska, MA

Graduate in editing and digital humanities from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. Assistant at the Department of History Auxiliary Sciences, Sources and Methodology, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw. She is interested in the history and literature of the 19th century, as well as traditional and digital editing. Contractor in the grants ‘Archives of the Philomaths – Digital Edition’ and ‘Classics of Polish Modernity’.

Faculty website
ORCID: 0009-0001-1162-9467
E-mail: i.adamczyk7[at]uw.edu.pl



Elżbieta Kwiecińska, PhD

Graduate in history, sociology and law (as part of the MISH College) from the University of Warsaw. She has held research internships in the USA at the New York University (2017) and in Ukraine in Lviv at the Center for Urban History (2020) as well as at the Ukrainian Catholic University (2021). She defended her PhD at the European University Institute in Florence (2021). From 2022 to 2024, she taught history and auxiliary sciences of nineteenth-century history as an Assistant in the Department of Nineteenth-Century History, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw. She is interested in the history of ideas and the history of nineteenth-century historiography, as well as cultural transfers between Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Russia.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3992-1256
E-mail: e.kwiecinska[at]uw.edu.pl



Our former collaborators

Magdalena Dorosz, MA

Graduate in editing and digital humanities from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. She worked as a Research Specialist at the Department of History Auxiliary Sciences, Sources and Methodology, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw. Her research interests focus mainly on memoir literature and oral history, with particular emphasis on the Lublin area. She is fascinated by the richness of old traditions, rituals and cultural heritage of the region, which leads her to explore ethnographic aspects and social history. Contractor in the project of digital edition of Joachim Lelewel’s letters.



Paulina Komar, PhD

Graduate in archaeology and journalism and social communication from the University of Warsaw. She worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of History Auxiliary Sciences, Sources and Methodology, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw. She is interested in the history of wine, trade and economics in the ancient and Byzantine world as well as in transport amphorae produced in the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins.

ORCID: 0000-0001-6580-223X





Marta Kuźma, EngD

Graduate in geodesy and cartography from the Military University of Technology and the Warsaw University of Technology. From 2021 to 2024, she worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of History Auxiliary Sciences, Sources and Methodology, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw (project ‘People, Places, Events: Innovative Spatial Humanities Research to Support Interpretation and Explanation’). She is interested in cartography, geographic information systems, maps in digital libraries and graph data, as well as in exploring the usefulness of different types of visualisations to support historical research.

ORCID: 0000-0002-9798-1567



Agnieszka Pawłowska-Kubik, PhD

Graduate in history and Polish philology from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. She worked as a Research Specialist at the Department of History Auxiliary Sciences, Sources and Methodology, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw. She conducts research related primarily to the political history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th–17th centuries. Contractor in the project of digital edition of Joachim Lelewel’s letters.

ORCID: 0000-0002-7379-8645




Maciej Wzorek, MA

Graduate in history from the University of Wrocław. He worked as an Assistant at the Department of History Auxiliary Sciences, Sources and Methodology, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw. He is associated with the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, where he coordinates work on the genealogical database of the Virtual Shtetl portal and conducts archival research. He is interested in the use of digital tools in historical research.